Throop Learning Garden took the second award for Urban Nature. Nearly 200 volunteers including many Time Bankers have contributed to this public garden over the last two years. It is a blooming success for drawing attention to urban food growing, creating habitat for creatures small to large and demonstrating the change that adding nature to a busy urban setting can bring to its workers, its passersby, its local community. The next goal for the garden is designation as Certified Wildlife Habitat by National Wildlife Federation in hopes of spreading this awareness as well. It is worth looking into if your backyard has become attractive to more birds, bees, bats, bugs and other creatures. Only four components are required. Lets make a nature habitat corridor through the Arroyo! Thanks to all who have helped attract the city's attention to these timely projects. You deserve to feel proud. Tell someone how your contribution to your community has had a huge rippling effect for healing the environment.
-Maya Gingery