Date and Time: Sunday, June 22nd from 2-5PM
Location: Silver Lake Recreation Center
1850 W Silver Lake Drive, at Van Pelt Place
Los Angeles, California 90026
Meet your fellow members and eat some delicious food. Bring your own plate, cup and utensil. Everyone welcome!
There are picnic tables behind and on either side of the Recreation Center. We will arrive at 1 p.m. to reserve a table or two, either beside the basketball court (at Silver Lake Blvd. and Van Pelt Place) or on the west end of the park (over at W. Silver Lake Drive and Van Pelt Place). Look for signs and for especially friendly, earnest looking people!
Special features:
- Displays by the first two recipients of the ASECO Community Revolving Loan Fund ... Pacific Electric (Somerset Waters) and Coconut Cow (Jolie Assina)
- The Really, Really, Really Free Table (Bring up to three high quality, "lightly used" items to leave as gifts to others, take up to three items as gifts for yourself or for re-gifting.)