Monday, Oct. 14th, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Throop Memorial Unitarian Universal Church
300 S. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena 91101
Tickets: $5 online (eventbrite.com); $10 at the door
Transition Pasadena is having a celebration of Transition and local sustainability efforts. We are excited and honored to host Rob Hopkins, the founder of the international Transition Movement, who will speak in Pasadena on Monday, October 14.
Hopkins, a master permaculture teacher and leading British environmentalist, will explore some of the themes in his latest book, "The Power of Just Doing Stuff - How Local Action Can Change the World". Chief among them: the idea that when it comes to the planet’s environmental and economic crisis, “everyday people” must take matters into their own hands. Hopkins argues that grassroots, cooperative efforts initiated by friends, neighbors and strangers can grow into an effective, sustainable and systemic response to the challenges of climate change and peak oil.
Transition Pasadena is working to do just that. Come learn about our work and meet like-minded neighbors!
Following Hopkins’ talk, we’ll be celebrating Just Doing Stuff in Pasadena, featuring a potluck lunch, tours of the Throop Learning Garden, our award-winning Repair Café, a Really Really Free Market, and an opportunity to socialize and network with local environmental and community organizations.
Mayor Bill Bogaard and Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) will attend the speech and the Fair, which runs from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Transition Pasadena will provide soup and bread. We ask that people participating in the Fair bring a dessert dish and/or fruit to share.
Local groups participating in the Fair include the Arroyo Food Co-op, Arroyo S.E.C.O. Network of Time Banks, Pasadena Learning Gardens, Citizens Climate Lobby, Downtown Pasadena Neighborhood Association, Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition, and Sustainable World.
Hopkins begins his tour of the U.S. in late September. He appears in Los Angeles on Oct. 13, the day before his Pasadena visit.
Tickets for the event will be pre-sold online for $5, and $10 at the door. To buy advance tickets, go to http://justdoingstuffpasadena.eventbrite.com/
Street parking at the church is available but we urge you to take alternative modes of transportation. Residents can take the Gold Line Metro bus to the Del Mar station, which is just a half mile west of Throop Church.